Dream Big, Start Small with National Small Business Week
Every year since 1963, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has celebrated small businesses and their contributions in the United States with National Small Business Week. National Small Business Week 2016 is May 1-6, with the theme “Dream Big, Start Small.” As The Voice of Small Business™, FreedomVoice would like to acknowledge the difference that small businesses make across the nation.
According to the SBA, small businesses have been the biggest source of jobs in the U.S. since the 1970s. As a whole, small businesses have accounted for over 63 percent of the new jobs created between 1993 and 2013. Additionally, every dollar spent at a locally-owned business, on average, is three times more economically beneficial for the local community than one dollar spent at a corporate-owned chain store (source).
Many of today’s most recognized brands were once small businesses. You may think you’re just a simple small business, but we think all of our small business customers have the potential to be the next great American success story. We believe every small business deserves a solution that thinks big. In fact, since 1996, we have helped over 200,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs grow their businesses, improve their professional image, and connect with others.
This year’s National Small Business Week will include special events in Atlanta, New York, Denver, Phoenix, San Jose, Oakland and Washington, D.C. You can tune in to all week for live-streaming, beginning at 7:30 p.m. ET Sunday – or follow the events on Twitter (link is external) or Instagram (link is external) with the hashtag #DreamSmallBiz.
If you don't own a small business, why not go out and support one this week? Shopping at small businesses is promoting economic well-being locally. Be sure to visit a local small business near you this week and show them you support what they do.