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Noble Causes

Why We Do What We Do

We don’t have investors driving us to squeeze profits, cut corners, and chase the almighty dollar. What motivates us is a passion to do right in this world – for our customers, for our employees, for the advancement of responsible and innovative technologies, and to be able to give back and support organizations that work tirelessly to protect our future.

Rady Children’s Hospital

Quality pediatric care requires specialized training and a special sensitivity that is perfected through caring for children 100 percent of the time, with no child turned away. Rady Children’s is the San Diego region’s only designated pediatric trauma center and the only area hospital dedicated solely to pediatric care.

Catherine’s Kids

Catherine’s Kids’ mission statement says it all – “To transform the lives of the unprivileged or abandoned, medically fragile special needs children by providing a loving and nurturing home where their emotional, medical, educational, and spiritual needs are met, giving them an opportunity to live to their full potential.”

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is our defender in the digital world, champions of user privacy and free expression. The EFF advocates for open source software, encryption, and privacy rights while fighting against illegal surveillance and companies or technologies that would compromise our freedoms or violate the right to privacy online.


U-TOUCH (Universal Technology Outreach Community Hubs) offers a proven, scalable and sustainable solution for millions of young women and men in even the poorest, most isolated villages. Digital centers provide IT training as well as related job, health and life skills – creating opportunities that increase incomes and support improved family nutrition, children’s education, health care and more. Leverage the power of information technology to dramatically transform lives and communities.

Community Resource Center

As the only provider of social services and domestic violence programs in coastal North County San Diego, Community Resource Center (CRC) serves more than 2,900 households annually, equating to over 11,000 individuals (4,000 children).  Although other organizations offer service for either domestic violence victims or low-income households, CRC links both unique populations with housing solutions and wrap-around services that offer a tangible opportunity for independence.

Why We Do What We Do

We don’t have investors driving us to squeeze profits, cut corners, and chase the almighty dollar. What motivates us is a passion to do right in this world, and to be able to give back and support organizations that work tirelessly to protect our future.

Rady Children’s Hospital

Rady Children’s is the San Diego region’s only designated pediatric trauma center and the only area hospital dedicated solely to pediatric care.

Catherine’s Kids

Catherine’s Kids’ mission is: “To transform the lives of the unprivileged or abandoned, medically fragile special needs children by providing a loving and nurturing home where their emotional, medical, educational, and spiritual needs are met, giving them an opportunity to live to their full potential.”

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The EFF advocates for open source software, encryption, and privacy rights while fighting against illegal surveillance and companies or technologies that would compromise our freedoms or violate the right to privacy online.


U-TOUCH (Universal Technology Outreach Community Hubs) offers a proven, scalable and sustainable solution for millions of young women and men in even the poorest, most isolated villages.

Community Resource Center

As the only provider of social services and domestic violence programs in coastal North County San Diego, Community Resource Center (CRC) serves more than 2,900 households annually, equating to over 11,000 individuals (4,000 children).